
Ng. Mani College has a registered Alumni Association since 2016 named Ng. Mani College Alumni Association. The office bearers of Association meet annually over lunch and discuss the modalities to reinforce the bond between the alumni and the institution.

The Alumni Association is working since 2010 but not registered. The Alumni Association members conduct different activities. Some of them include

  • Motivational Talks with students
  • Social Service Camps
  • Donation to needy students
  • Special Gifts to departments.

The Alumni Association has also helped the college in improve of physical infrastructure of the college. Present members of the Alumni Association are

Sl. No Name Capacity
1 Wahengbam Manihar Singh President
2 Ngangkham Brajamohon Singh Vice-President
3 Thounaojam Jotilal Singh Secretary
4 Yumkhaibam Ibotomba Singh Treasurer
5 Pangsatabam Sharmila Roy Executive Member

Registration & related documents

Ng. Mani College Alumni Association